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  • £1200

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To dissolve our emotional attachment to objects, events and people.


Composite essence of Lesser Stitchwort, Scarlet Pimpernel, Wild Mallow.

Included in standard set of 60.

To dissolve our emotional attachment to objects, events and people. This essence is for those who have become trapped by their circumstances. It may be that there is a dominant friend or partner who is causing the difficulties. They do not feel in charge of their own lives.

Lesser StitchwortLESSER STITCHWORT (Stellaria graminea)
Lesser Stitchwort helps us disentangle ourselves from our difficulties. It can then act as a guiding star, showing us clearly the path ahead that we need to be following.

Scarlet PimpernelSCARLET PIMPERNEL (Anagallis arvensis)
Scarlet Pimpernel is for those who are either obsessed or possessed by another person. In either situation a mutual dependency tends to build up. This essence empowers us so that we can ease ourselves out of the situation without it being too obvious to the other person.

Wild MallowWILD MALLOW (Malva sylvestris)
Wild Mallow helps bring the possessive links to the surface where we can see them for what they are. Seeing the true nature of the forces that have enslaved us can be very enlightening and in that revelation those forces lose their hold over us.

Made with vodka water mix.

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