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Verbeia River Essence - The Strid

  • £1500

10ml.  Created with organic vodka .

The Verbeia River Essences were made with the energies of the River Wharfe, starting from sources, at Tor Dyke and Beckermonds, then travelling through Kettlewell, the Strid, Olicana, Cawood and reaching the North Sea at the Humber Estuary, at Julian’s Bower. 

The River Wharfe flows from Kettlewell and from a width of 30 feet, it turns downwards, to a vertical flow with just 6 feet gap at the surface. There are underground caves where many have disappeared, when they tried to jump across the gap. Local stories talk of Verbeia appearing as a white horse at the Strid, as a warning at a time when a life is lost here.  The energies are always extraordinary here, so it is not surprising that the Strid's  essence bubbles with the positive sides of this energy: 



Knowing what needs to be done

Organising thoughts to plan and achieve the bigger picture

Strong energy

So strong, almost overwhelmed, starting from a low, slow beat

Moving forward with faith and confidence

Like crossing a bridge


Throat chakra opening

Heart centred easily

Lively feeling up to third eye.


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